March 10, 2025

Preview: TEDxUTK and UT Speech and Debate to host Crossing the Divide

TEDxUTK and UT Speech and Debate to hold a virtual event discussing how to have difficult conversations.


TEDxUTK and UT Spech and Debate to host event.

Times, they are a-changing. 2020 is a year of an entirely new conversation. Conversation that not everyone is comfortable having. And conversation not everyone agrees on.

That’s why TEDxUTK and the University of Tennessee Speech and Debate Society have partnered to host, Crossing the Divide, a talk that explores effective methods of communication between those with differing opinions.

UT student-led, TEDxUTK is an independent of the larger TED talks. TEDxUTK is designed to reach further and create greater impacts and share, ‘ideas worth spreading.’ TED stands for technology, entertainment and design, encompassing a wide variety of narrative talks.

The University of Tennessee Speech and Debate Society is nationally ranked and holds four national title wins. Created in 1836, the Debate Society strives to help members develop and improve their advocacy skills as well as become effective communicators.

The event aims to help Vols foster communication in a respectful and open manner. A TEDxUTK marketing committee member has provided some information regarding the event.

“As election season approaches, TEDxUTK in collaboration with the TN Speech & Debate Society invites you to join our second TEDxUTK Salon where we explore effective communication strategies to guide meaningful dialogue when speaking with those who may share differing views and opinions. Join the conversation and share your experiences with this topic at our discussion-based salon event via Zoom on October 5, at 6 p.m EST! For more information, or to RSVP, please visit”


Edited by Donna Mitchell

Featured Photo Courtesy of  TEDxUTK website