October 23, 2024

A look at the International Coffee House

This opportunity allows students to discover other cultures while receiving a meal.

The University of Tennessee has proven to consistently value other cultures and the coming together of culturally different individuals with the goals of learning and understanding. 

The International Coffee House is a unique gathering of students and faculty on a weekly basis that displays the importance of community. 

On the first impression, anyone can clearly see the friendly environment that envelops the Mary Greer room within Hodges Library. The smell of freshly made culturally diverse food and freshly brewed coffee with the chatter of inquiring minds and their willingness to learn fills the room.

“It’s so cool that you feel like you’re learning this culture,” Lauren Gardner, a student majoring in business analytics and first-time attendee, said.

Filled with newcomers and plenty of regular attendees, the International Coffee House is a community gathering to learn. After getting food, attendees are encouraged to spend time with other individuals in the room.

International students, teachers and traditional students all have the freedom to converse about culture and any other aspect of life.

Rachel Graves, a student, said the International Coffee House is an opportunity for her to broaden her worldview.

“[It’s an opportunity] open place for [her] to ask questions and meet people that you might not have an opportunity to,” Graves said. 

This amazing event should be attended by every student at some point in their career at UT, for the environment and acceptance in a learning environment is unparalleled in the world we live in today.

Tasmiyah Ansari, a student majoring in psychology, explained that her favorite take-away from the International Coffee House is that it broadens the mind.

“It’s so important to meet people from other cultures and expose yourself to other cultures,” Ansari said.

Edited by Maddie Torres and Libby Dayhuff

Featured image courtesy of the International Coffee House webpage