March 10, 2025

The University of Tennessee showcases The Vagina Monologues

The Vagina Monologues provides insight into society and women’s sexuality.


Photo by Courtney Anderson

The Women’s Coordinating Council presented Eve Ensler’s “Vagina Monologues” at the University of Tennessee on Feb. 10 and Feb. 11.

The play focused on women’s various points of view and life experiences regarding women’s sexuality, rape culture and how women are viewed in today’s society.

Vagina Monologues
Photo by: Vanessa Rodriguez

The show began with audio snippets from the Women’s Marches that took place across the world last month while the cast members marched into the auditorium holding signs and chanting.

“The play has made me see many things in a different light. It has made me understand myself and others,” said Celeste Pelletier, a cast member.

Some of the monologues included were The Vagina Workshop, My Short Skirt and My Revolution.

“I went into it very open minded and I didn’t look up the plot or anything and how this was going to go so I was really surprised, but I love it and I feel really empowered,” said Rebekah Bowman, an attendee.

Tickets were $2 for opted-in students and $3 for non-opted-in students.  The proceeds from the play go to the Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee.

The “Vagina Monologues” is a part of the V-Day movement which is the fight to end violence against females of all ages worldwide, according to UT’s events website.

The Women’s Coordinating Council is a female activist group on campus that supports people of any gender through educational events including the “Vagina Monologues,” according to the Women’s Coordinating Council’s website.

For more information, check out the V-Day website and the Women’s Coordinating Council website.

 Edited by Katy Hill
