March 10, 2025

Opinion: ‘How To Be Single’ is fun but lacks depth

Hannah Hitzfeld reviews “How to be Single” starring Dakota Johnson and Rebel Wilson.


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Ladies, it’s time to hit up your best girlfriends for a fun movie that is all about modern romance and dating.

It may not be the next “Notebook” but it is the next Red Box sell out. This flirty film is all about a newly single gal stuck between an old relationship and trying to find a new love while she stumbles around New York City in search of her own identity.

Director Christian Ditter uses a topic that everyone can relate to. “Fifty Shades of Grey” actress, Dakota Johnson plays Alice the main character. Alice breaks up with her college sweetheart of four years to go soul searching.

The theme of the movie is not the most thrilling, but the actress is able to capture the viewers attention by how she handles certain situations through out the film. Alice has the support of her older sister played by Leslie Mann who is also in search of something more to make her feel complete.

While many can relate to the movie’s theme of finding oneself, it seems to be lacking depth. The characters internal debacles are very mediocre. Some moviegoers may consider them shallow. However, what the movie lacks in depth it makes up for in comedic relief. Co-Star Rebel Wilson brings an uplifting vibe. Her one-liners will have your abs sore from laughing so hard. If you’re looking for a light-hearted goofy movie to watch with the ladies then this film is the one for you.

Edited by Jessica Carr

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