UT bands perform final concert of semester
The University of Tennessee bands took the stage Thursday, April 13 for the final concert of the year in Cox Auditorium at 8 p.m.

Thursday, April 13 marked the final performances of the University of Tennessee Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble during the 2016-2017 school year.
Each ensemble honored its seniors in honor of their last performances in Cox Auditorium.
UT’s Concert Band performed first under the direction of Interim Assistant Director of Bands Fuller Lyon. They performed “Shine” by Michael Markowski, “Sinfonia VI: The Four Elements” by Timothy Broege and “Foundry” by John Mackey. Percussionists played non-traditional instruments such as salad bowls, mixing bowls, and pile of wood in the last piece of their set.
UT’s Symphonic Band continued the evening conducted by Associate Director of Bands Michael Stewart. They performed “Nobles of the Mystic Shrine” by John Philip Sousa, “Incantation and Dance” by John Barnes Chance and “Arabesque” by Samuel Hazo.
Andrew Northcutt, whose brother Aaron plays trumpet in Symphonic Band, believed the first piece “[sounded] kind of like a circus.”
UT’s Wind Ensemble performed last under the direction of Director of Bands Donald Ryder. They performed “ZING!” by Scott McCallister, “Avelynn’s Lullaby” by Joel Puckett and “Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral” by Richard Wagner. The last piece made use of the organ fixed in the center left wall of Cox Auditorium.
Images by Alex Overlay
Edited by Lexie Little