March 9, 2025

‘VOLentine’s Day,’ makes cards for children, coaches

The University of Tennessee’s Tradition Committee, associated with the Student Government Association, held VOLentine’s Day as a part of “Big Orange Friday” that took place on Pedestrian Walkway from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on Friday.

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From left, Hannah Russell, Edward Hockaday, Sam Anasky and Jordan Austin, draw people’s attention to their table as students on Pedestrian Walkway passed by.

The University of Tennessee’s Tradition Committee, associated with the Student Government Association, held VOLentine’s Day as a part of “Big Orange Friday” that took place on Pedestrian Walkway from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on Friday.

Members of the committee passed out free candy and bouncy balls and provided Valentine’s cards for students to write to the East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, Butch Jones, Donnie Tyndall, or Holly Warlick as a way to spread more school spirit, according to Jordan Austin, a member of the committee and sophomore majoring in neuroscience.

Sam Anasky, a freshman majoring in nursing and member of the committee, said that they wanted to spread the love of Valentine’s Day to the Children’s Hospital because they wanted to show that people think about them.

“It’s not Christmas; it’s not Easter; it’s not your original holiday you think of,” she said, “But it’s a different holiday that they’re being thought of anyways.”

Getting into the Big Orange Friday celebration, Edward Hockaday and Hannah Russell, two members of the committee, held signs that read “#VOL-in In Love” and “#BOF,” while other members rotated holding the sign “Happy Big Orange Friday.”

“We love doing Big Orange Friday, and we’re just looking for different occasions to increase school spirit all throughout the year,” said Sherilyn Hammonds, senate liaison and a sophomore majoring in food and agricultural business.

Upcoming events from the committee include partnering with the Environment and Sustainability Student Services Committee to host “Big Green Friday” on March 27 and “Orange and White Week,” where they will be hosting week-long events leading up to the Orange and White Game on  April 20.

Edited by Maggie Jones