TNJN Spotlight: UT Gardens educates home schooled children

The children transplanting a new tomato plant into the beds. Alyssa White/TNJN

Alyssa White/TNJN
UT Gardens organization strives to educate the people of Knoxville about plants and to cultivate an appreciation for the Earth. This includes inspiring the younger generations.
On April 2, UT Gardens held its last session for home schooled children in UT’s Living Light House. The program was titled, “Home Grown: To Dye For.” Children were taught how to create dyes for clothing with natural plant materials.
“The idea for this and for all my programs is to try and get kids interested in gardening,” said Derrick Stowell, UT Gardens Educator. “And to also teach them things they can do with the plants they grow.”
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The home schooled children have monthly sessions going from September-April with a session a month. Because of the time it was going to take the natural dye, made from beets, to sit and soak Stowell also had some more activities planned for the children. They completed a scavenger hunt around the gardens while they waited.
UT gardens also hosts programs year round for everyone from pre-school children to adults. Anyone is able to sign up for these programs. If you are interested in a program, visit the University of Tennessee Gardens site for more information.
Edited by Jessica Carr