October 6, 2024

Reese Hall is suspected of having mold. Courtesy of University Housing

Several maintenance requests involving possible mold in Reese and South Carrick halls have been made since the start of the fall semester. Although there have been no physical signs of mold growing in the dorms, students continue to struggle with symptoms that point to mold.

According to WBIR, UTK officials say they have found “no evidence of mold” in Reese and South Carrick or any other residence halls this year.

Several students expressed their concerns about this growing issue.

“Many of us have been having trouble breathing and our skin has been breaking out,” South Carrick resident, Laila Martin, said. “I went away for a couple of days feeling much better and being able to breathe but after arriving back on campus the issue immediately presented itself again.”

Laurel Hall was shut down last year and students were relocated because of mold growth. UT then tested all dorms for mold and two rooms in Reese showed signs of mold. However, after retesting, mold was not detected. Laurel Hall was able to reopen this year for students to live in.

Maddie Edwards, a freshman and resident in Reese Hall, recalled her first morning of waking up on campus.

“When I woke up, my eyes were extremely itchy, and my throat was sore. I thought I was getting sick, but it kept happening each morning. That is when I thought it might be mold,” Edwards said.

South Carrick Hall, along with Reese Hall, is suspected of having mold. Courtesy of University Housing.

University Housing has been aware of the situation, and they provided “Mold Prevention Tips” on their website. Those who will find signs of mold growth in their property should seek mold inspections and mold removal services at once to avoid negative health effects and property damages.

Some of the tips instruct students to keep the temperature between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit in rooms with heating and ventilation, to not turn units off and on continuously, to not block the airflow of the air unit near the window and to keep all vents open. Eventually, they will get mold removal services to check the property again.

Edited by Maddie Torres and Libby Dayhuff

Featured image courtesy of University Housing