February 6, 2025

Opinion: ‘Zootopia’ brings out the dreamer in all of us

Tiara Holt writes a review of Disney’s latest film “Zootopia” which has reached a 99 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.


Regal Downtown West Photo by Ryan McGill

[title_box title=”Opinion: ‘Zootopia’ brings out the dreamer in all of us”]

*Warning, this review may contain some spoilers so, readers beware*

Disney’s latest film,”Zootopia,” is gaining massive attention with box office numbers climbing up to over $100 million, and it’s even achieved a 99 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes since its recent debut in theaters. So, what’s the big deal? The tale of a small town bunny turned cop has more depth than one can imagine especially from an aminated Disney film.

The film starts with Judy Hopps graduating from her hometown’s police force, becoming the first rabbit to do so. Judy then moves to Zootopia, bright eyed and eager to live out her dreams that soon become the target of ridicule. Because of her size and stature, she is an automatic target. The police academy belittles her and assignes her to a job as a meter maid, she’s embarrassed by Nick, a sly fox that dupes her, and her parents are even happy that she’s not a “real cop.”

Judy’s dreams momentarily deflate, and the girl who was once filled with hope and wonder now feels like a failure. However, she quickly snaps out of it and decides to keep moving forward. She blackmails Nick into helping her solve a missing animal’s case while discovering even more unlawful truths that negatively impact the city, resulting in a divide within the community of animals and broken trust. Although, she was looked down upon and not taken seriously, she never gave up and saved the town, ultimately making her a celebrated hero.

There was one line in the film that really stuck out to me. In one scene Judy Hopps stated, “This is Zootopia. You can be anything you want to be.”

Although there are heavy themes found in the film that include prejudice and stereotypes, in the end, the notion of preserverance teaches a very important lesson. You should never let anyone or anything intimidate you into giving up on your dreams. This resonates with adults just as much as with children.

While watching this film, anyone can be transported to a time when they wanted to be a firefighter, police officer or even movie star. It’s not about just wanting to have a successful job, it’s about having that attitude. This is the attitude of enthusiasm and determination without fear or shame. It’s about being able to overcome the obstacles standing in your way. It’s about not being afraid to stand up for yourself and what you want no matter how crazy the idea may seem, something that is lost as we get older. This film can easily persuade the viewer to go back to that special place in your mind, the mind of a determined dreamer.

“Zootopia” is playing at most theaters in Knoxville. For a full list of theaters, click here.

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Featured Image by Ryan McGill

Edited by Jessica Carr

Tiara Holt is a senior at the University of Tennessee majoring in Journalism and Electronic Media with a minor in Cinema Studies. Aside from being a rock music enthusiast and food lover, her pastimes include drawing, painting, reading and watching The X-Files.