October 23, 2024

Climate change equals decreases in wine production

Wine production could decrease by 80 percent by the turn of the century, said Jack D. Fellows, Ph.D, director of the Climate Change Science Institute at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

“He [Mark Hertsgaard] looks at the vulnerability of the global wine industry— that’s a $50 billion industry. Higher temperatures actually increase alcohol content in grapes, which leads to much poorer wines,” Fellows said.

Fellows’ degree is in Civil Engineering from the University of Maryland. He worked as an American Geophysical Union’s Congressional Science fellow and at the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

At the “Books Sandwiched In” event, Fellows stated numerous negative affects of climate change, such as fewer hurricanes but more category four and five storms. Hurricane Katrina would be an example: it affected 15 million people, from evacuations to raised gas prices.

Mark Hertsgaard wrote Hot: Living through the next 50 years on Earth out of concern for his daughter’s future. He wanted to raise awareness for “Generation Hot,” two billion young people who will deal with the consequences of climate change. Hertsgaard provides possible solutions to slowdown global warming.

Hertsgaard received his bachelors from John Hopkins University in International Studies. According to his website, Hertsgaard has written for The New Yorker, Vanity Fair and Time on the effects of global warming.

“It starts talking about fairytales and ends talking about fairytales. The metaphor maybe the author being the noble hero and the evil dragon being our society’s greed, consumerism and lack of climate change leadership that are threatening the author’s daughter’s future,” said Fellows.

Edited by Courtney Anderson