October 23, 2024

Opinion: Scoring success at career fairs

It’s almost fall break, and you know what that means- bonfires, football and pumpkin flavored everything. I know that job searching will probably be the last thing on your mind during this long weekend, but I encourage you to take a break from your autumn festivities to prepare for the career fair taking place this Wednesday.

Sadee Hanson is a senior studying public relations. She blogs about professional advice for the present and future. She will graduate in May 2015.

Sadee Hanson is a senior studying public relations. She blogs about professional advice for the present and future. She will graduate in May 2015.

It’s almost fall break, and you know what that means- bonfires, football and pumpkin flavored everything. I know that job searching will probably be the last thing on your mind during this long weekend, but I encourage you to take a break from your autumn festivities to prepare for the career fair taking place this Wednesday.

In case you haven’t heard, the Communication Job and Internship Fair will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 1-5 p.m. in the University Center ballroom. It will be a great way for you to network, hopefully score an internship for the spring or maybe even land a full-time job.

There’s nothing worse than showing up to a career fair unprepared. First, I’ll share some tips to help you get ready for the career fair, and then I’ll let you in on some advice for kicking-butt once you’re there.

1. Make a game plan. Check out a list of the employers that will be attending the career fair and pick five that you’re most interested in speaking to.

2. Research the employers that you plan to talk to. This shows recruiters that you’re prepared and interested in the organization

3. Brush up your resume by making changes, updating information and finding an expert to critique your resume. Then, print SEVERAL copies. There’s nothing worse than running out of resumes at a career fair.

4. Dress to impress. I always stick to business professional attire for career fairs. It’s much better to look overdressed than underdressed; it shows that you’re taking the event seriously. Click here for a guide to business casual clothing for men and women.

So your resume is in tip-top shape; you’re looking sharp, and you’re ready to network with potential employers. Here are some tips to success during the career fair:

1. Find a company that you’re not interested in to talk to first. Think of it as a warm-up. It will help you get rid of your nervous jitters, and it allows you to practice your elevator pitch.

2. Be enthusiastic. Show the employer that you are passionate about your field, and you’re ready to learn.

3. Get the names and business cards of the representatives that you speak to. When you get home, reach out to them. Thank them for speaking with you and reinforce your interest for their organization.

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Sadee Hanson is a senior studying public relations. She blogs about professional advice for the present and future. She will graduate in May 2015.

Edited by Maggie Jones