October 23, 2024

TNJN Spotlight: Local band As A Friend aims to tour

The beauty and complexity of music brings individuals together daily.  For the three friends and band members of As A Friend, that is what they hope to achieve through their music.  Spencer Shelton, guitar and lead vocals, and Andy Hooper, guitar and backup vocals, started the band currently known as As A Friend in July of 2012 and then added Daniel Brown, on drums, in February 2013.

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As A Friend performing at the Longbranch Saloon Feb. 22 in the Battle of the Bands
From left to right is Andy Hooper on guitar, Daniel Brown on Drums, and Spencer Shelton on guitar.
Alyssa White/TNJN

As A Friend is a punk rock band that is influenced and inspired by many new and old bands. Though, as individuals, the band members were all influenced in different ways.

“As far as picking up an instrument, what inspired me on that was just seeing all these musicians like Billy Corgan with his style of playing, The White Stripes, and Jack White play and seeing what they would portray with their music,” said Hooper. “Just playing the guitar was always a dream for me as a child as well.” So for those who also has this kind of musical aspiration, they can learn on sites like Gitarre spielen lernen.

Brown, on the other hand, is influenced by a different genre.

“My musical influence is mostly metal, not the same scene [as Andy].  I can name a few punk bands that influence me though– Against Me, Alkaline Trio, and Green Day to name just a few,” said Brown. “But starting out on acoustic guitar, and everyone in my family being musicians really is how I got started to play.”

Shelton, as well as the others, was introduced at a young age to punk music and its effect on people.

“I’d say about 6th grade or so my cousin Brad Carter introduced me to punk music,” said Shelton. “I would listen to the music, relate with what they were singing because I felt like that too, and I thought that if I can write songs that people can relate to that would be great.”

The band said that  is exactly what they hope everyone that listens to their music takes away from their performance and songs.

“We feel like we’ve got something to talk about through our songs, we just wish that people can relate to them, and if they do then that is amazing,” said Hooper. “A sense of togetherness is what we hope people get from our music.”

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Andy Hooper Left with Spencer Shelton on right performing February 22 at the Battle of the Bands.
Alyssa White/TNJN

The band’s future goal is to tour around with some of the bands that have inspired their music.

If you would like to get in contact with the group they have a Facebook page that they check daily at https://www.facebook.com/asafriendzone .

Edited by Gabrielle O’Neal

As A Friend Article
As A Friend’s business card
Alyssa White/TNJN